Our Facilities


The Snug

We have a dedicated room for our dogs to rest and relax in. It is a space for owners to bring their dogs bed and know that they will be content when they need rest. We also have 2 living areas that we share with the dogs when they are boarding.

Agility Course

We are developing an area of our private land that will be dedicated to dog agility. This can be used as part of the training field and help with your dogs agility skills and fitness.

Grooming Suite

We have repurposed our out-house at the end of our private 2-acres as a grooming suite. This is a perfect place to groom your dog, as it is hygienic, cosy and peaceful. Our aim is for every dog to return home clean, well groomed and above all relaxed.

Training Field

Our private land has been professionally fitted with security fencing that allows the dogs to roam free within our property. With a large grassy area lined with trees, we utilise this space for training and general exercise.